Monday, September 6, 2010

This Is My Blog...

Hey everyone. Whats up with you today?
Now I know this blog will be a total failure, but I dont care.
This is a blog about the 12 songs Emma plays on the harp in Argentum Magia.
So I hope at least some of you will comment on here. Not like on my other blog (In The Life of Emma Dawnrider).

In other news...
I made a new wizard today. Deleted Saffron Trollpetal and made Alia Dragonstrider. (Named after you Alia Lotuspetal. lol.) She is a Death Wizard. I wonder how she will do.

Well, thats all for now. Maybe I'll get pictures of Alia up soon. :D



  1. yeah, I don't really care.
    OH YEAH!!

  2. Hi! Hi! Hi! This is a comment! Because I'm excitedful! For these songs! I like sentence fragments! I wish I could write songs! I really admire songwriters, actually! My pet peeve is when pop stars don't write their own songs! Then again I don't usually listen to pop music too much! But that's cool, right?! I am hyperful! That is all!

  3. hi alex!! glad your back on!!
    anyway, I'll try to get another post up here soon, but I need to make out the 12 songs so...
